
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Samurai Soothsayer Predicts the Site of the 2012 AKC National Agility Championship

It will be Reno.

He thinks this because he heard it at Nationals and because he saw it on this calendar

It's the calendar page for the Reno Livestock Events Center in Reno, NV. Dates are Friday, March 31 to Sunday, April 1.

Livestock center floor plan:

Taylor is qualified to go, but with his recent diagnosis of PRA, we are doubtful. We will continue to have his eyes checked periodically and hopefully in a few months we will have enough data to plot the speed of his decline. What a sad thing to happen to such a wonderful little dog.

Whatever happens, we hope all of you that do go will have a great time. Maybe one of you will win. Take care and appreciate your good dogs. The time we have to live and run with them is way too short.


Carole Evans said...

Thanks!! From Colorado not too far.

Katie said...

I hope you're right about the 2012 NAC location! I heard that the site had been sold, and that the AKC was trying to negotiate with the new owners.

I noticed that you mentioned that your dog has PRA. I too have an agility dog with PRA. Please check out my website:

Is your dog on Ocu-GLO? That is the main supplement I have been giving my dog.



ViewFr4Inch said...

I'm sorry. I don't really know how my post ended up on Yahoo News. Glad you found it, though. I think the best thing is to try to develop quality content that your community would be interested in and sharing in like discussions on social media.