
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Blended Front Cross Practice Suggestion

Above is a great example of what a blended cross looks like thanks to Adrien and Panic @ YouTube cycleofmenace.

Tonight went back to the drawing board feeling a little bit more educated (but only a little), on the subject of blended front crosses.

Discovered Mary Ellen Barry left another Easter egg in this month's (August 2011) Clean Run. Exercises 7,8,9 & 19 contain suggestions for blended front crosses. No real explanation is provided, but it seems understandable enough once you've already gotten the basic idea.

Samurai seems to be catching the idea of some of these newer techniques pretty well recently, and is picking up some speed and confidence with them. One thing I noticed is that once you start on this route, it really emphasizes the need to keep moving throughout the exercise. It also ups the amount of responsibility for keeping motions tight, fast and accurate.

If you let up and start relaxing too much, it all falls apart very quickly. Need to stay "in the game" every step of the way or it just will not work.

As a mental refresher, I posted this neat clip from competitors Adrian and Panic of YouTube channel cycleofmenace above. This is a very clean example and shot from an angle where you can see the parts of the maneuver very well.

Thanks, Adrian, for posting this! Happy experimenting to everyone else out there who is trying out these new handling options!

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