Think about energy
Do watch me at least 10 times
- have 3 seconds to respond
Cup hands under chin and gently rub back along chin, one side and the other
Circles on sides, very slowly
Lavender oil
Visitors - do not let visitors look directly in the eyes
Hand touch - use to divert attention away from something that's bothering them
Peanut butter on lid- have Sam touch lid., also smear some on hand and do touches
Bring lid on walks and when dog comes toward, direct attention to lid
Exercise is important, especially for high energy dogs
Emergency U turn - Don't want dog ever to face another dog. Put yourself between other dog.
If positives or negatives try to find out what triggered it.
Dog should turn it's head to watch wherever you are in house
Take treats on walk and practice avoidance. Last recourse is to shield dog on side of trail.
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